The Money Blog

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April Fool's Day & Other Nonsense Holidays Apr 01, 2021

I totally got got today by fake news. A friend sent a link to me, and I was completely takenā€”hook, line, and sinker. It was wonderful!

April Fool's Day can be a delightful holiday. Except that it is ...

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Some Things You May Not Know About MLK and His I Have a Dream Speech know your rights legal education Jan 18, 2021

Martin Luther King is one of only three Americans to have his birthday declared a federal holiday. A brilliant orator, he had tremendous influence, butĀ he strived to wield that influence in a manner t...

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What's Your Number? Hint: You want it to be lower estate planning legal education wills & trusts Dec 23, 2019

My oldest son, Liam, is heading back to BYU Idaho for his second year of college. He's a smart kid. In a recent conversation, heĀ commented that about 85% of statistics are completely made up. Like I s...

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4 nonsense things we learn from Knives Out that are completely wrong and will cost you thousands estate planning legal education wills & trusts Dec 03, 2019

I saw Knives Out on Saturday. It was brilliant. I loved it.Ā And don't worry. No spoilers here (but if you don't want to know anything about the movie until after you see it, you should stop reading no...

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What Do You Do with 140 Heirs? estate planning legal education wills & trusts Nov 19, 2019

True story: A man dies. He has a will. In his will, he names two beneficiaries. Two people are going to get his stuff. Pretty simple, right?


Because when all you have in place is a simple wil...

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13 Truly Scary Things That Happen All the Time When Someone Really Dies estate planning legal education probate wills & trusts Oct 31, 2019

On this Halloween day, when everyone is dressed as ghouls and goblins and talking about death and scary things, I thought I'd let you know 13 truly scary things that really happen all the time to inno...

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Is Your Family Too Young for an Estate Plan? estate planning trusts wills Jan 08, 2019

A lot of people think estate planning is for the old or the rich. "I have a young family and not very many assets," I hear people say sometimes. Don't cheat yourself or your family just because you ha...

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Keep the Drama on the Stage! estate planning wills & trusts Nov 13, 2018

The dramatic reading. The lawyer opens his briefcase or top desk drawer and takes out the folded parchment paper. It is the Will. All the family is there. Some look worried. Some look smug. Some look ...

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Nap Time with the Littles estate planning personal development Nov 07, 2018

We call our two youngest kiddos "the Littles" because, well, they're little. And we have three teenagers who aren't little. The picture above was taken right around last Christmas-time just a few week...

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"Is It Okay to Search Your Car?" criminal law know your rights legal education Jun 04, 2018

On Saturday, I was visiting a public county park on a lake. I was driving our Honda Odyssey minivan with my wife and four of my five kids. The Sheriff's office was there conducting a "random alcohol c...

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Whatever You Track Improves estate planning personal development Jan 30, 2018

Time and time again, I see it play out personally and professionally: Whatever you track improves. Want to lose weight? Track your exercise. Want to get control of your time? Track how you're spending...

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What Do We Do with All the Stuff? estate planning legal education Nov 14, 2017

Have you read Marie Kondo's book,Ā The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up? I have, and it really was life-changing. Following her approach, you hold everything you own and ask yourself whether it "spark...

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